



    关庆锋  教授


     姓名:关庆锋              出生年月

     国籍:中国                 毕业学校:美国加利福尼亚大学圣芭芭拉分校

     民族:汉族                 学    历:博士

     籍贯:湖北                 参加工作时间:2009年8月




    2000年 华东师范大学 经济地理与城乡区域规划专业 学士

    2003年 中国科学院地理科学与资源研究所 人地关系专业 硕士

    2008年 美国加利福尼亚大学圣芭芭拉分校 地理信息科学专业 博士

    2008/08—2009/08 美国地质调查局,地理空间信息科学中心 博士后研究员(美国科学院国家研究委员会博士后研究基金)

    2009/08—2012/12 美国内布拉斯加大学林肯分校,自然资源学院&先进土地管理信息技术中心 助理教授

    2013/01—现在 中国地质大学(武汉),信息工程学院&国家地理信息系统工程技术研究中心 教授、博导






    高性能空间计算 High-performance Spatial Computing

    空间计算智能 Spatial Computational Intelligence

    时空大数据 Spatio-temporal Big Data

    时空数据挖掘与模拟 Spatio-temporal Mining and Modeling



    1.面向结构性和过程性特征的时空DNA及其在城市土地利用变化研究中的应用(主持). 湖北省自然科学基金杰出青年项目(2017CFA041). 20万元人民币. 2017-2019

    2.并行地理元胞自动机的计算强度时空变化模式及动态负载均衡方法研究(主持). 国家自然科学基金面上项目(41671408. 65万元人民币. 2017-2020

    3.深部矿产资源评价理论与方法-深部矿产三维预测模型与虚拟现实-深部矿产预测模型沉浸式虚拟现实系统(子课题负责人). 十三五国家重点研发计划(2016YFC0600508. 60万元人民币. 2016-2020

    4.应急遥感图像典型处理算法多核CPU/GPU加速(主持). 武汉大学. 20万元人民币. 2015-2016

    5.地质信息化标准推广机制研究(主持). 国土资源部地质信息技术重点实验室开放课题(中地调研合同[2015]第195号). 15万元人民币. 2015-2016

    6.武汉市湖泊景观格局时空演化研究(1990-2013年)(主持). 湖北省自然科学基金面上项目(2014CFB902. 6万元人民币. 2014-2015

    7.《空间大数据》通选课MOOC教学模式创新探索与实践(主持). 中国地质大学(武汉). 10万元人民币. 2014-2016

    8.国内外地质调查信息化标准体系建设研究(主持). 国土资源部地质信息技术重点实验室开放课题(中地调研合同[2014]第213号). 10万元人民币. 2014-2015

    9.基于GPU/CPU异构集群计算技术的高性能土地利用时空动态模拟研究(主持). 教育部高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金(20130145120013. 4万元人民币. 2014-2016

    10.杰出人才培育基金(主持). 中国地质大学(武汉)(CUG130603. 100万人民币. 2013-2017

    11.Cloud-based GIS historical geospatial and photographic library of Nebraska (Co-PI). Center for Digital Research in the Humanities, University of Nebraska–Lincoln. $13,257.June 2011November 2012

    12.Invasive Plant Species Management with Geospatial Technologies and Computational Science (PI). IANR Strategic Investment Seed Grants for Integrated Projects Program, University of Nebraska–Lincoln. $59,946.Jul.2010Jun.2012

    13.gSLEUTH: a Grid-enabled Web Cellular Automata for Urban Land-use and Land-cover Change Modelling (PI). Resident Research Associateship at the U.S. Geological Survey, National Research Council. $55, 000.Aug.2008–Aug.2009



    1.Yao, S.; Wang, T.;Guan, Q.; Xie, X. 2017. Noisy image reconstruction based on low-rank in UAV wireless transmission.Cluster Computing (SCI)

    2.Qi, K.; Yang, C.;Guan, Q.; Wu, H.; Gong, J. 2017. A Multiscale Deeply Described Correlatons-Based Model for Land-Use Scene Classification.Remote Sensing (SCI), 9(9): 917

    3.Miao, J.;Guan, Q.*; Hu, S. 2017. pRPL + pGTIOL: The marriage of a parallel processing library and a parallel I/O library for big raster data.Environmental Modelling and Software (SCI), 96: 347-360

    4.Hu, K.; Qi, K.;Guan, Q.*; Wu, C.; Yu, J.; Qing, Y.; Zheng, J.; Wu, H.; Li, X. 2017. A Scientometric Visualization Analysis for Night-Time Light Remote Sensing Research from 1991 to 2016.Remote Sensing (SCI), 9(8): 802

    5.Guo, M.; Huang, Y.;Guan, Q.; Xie, Z.; Wu, L. 2017. An efficient data organization and scheduling strategy for accelerating large vector data rendering.Transactions in GIS (SSCI) 

    6.Wang, K.;Guan, Q.; Chen, N.; Tong, D.; Hu, C.; Peng, Y.; Dong, X.; Yang, C. 2017. Optimizing the Configuration of Precipitation Stations in a Space-Ground Integrated Sensor Network based on Spatial-Temporal Coverage Maximization.Journal of Hydrology (SCI), 548: 625-640

    7.刘洋;关庆锋*. 2017. 景观指数的并行计算方法.地球信息科学学报, 19(4): 457-466

    8.Qi, K.; Liu, W.; Yang, C.;Guan, Q.*; Wu, H. 2017. Multi-Task Joint Sparse and Low-Rank Representation for the Scene Classification of High-Resolution Remote Sensing Image.Remote Sensing (SCI), 9(1): 10

    9.Hu, C.;Guan, Q.; Li, J.; Wang, K.; Chen, N. 2016. Representing Geospatial Environment Observation Capability Information: A Case Study of Managing Flood Monitoring Sensors in the Jinsha River Basin.Sensors (SCI), 16(12): 2144

    10.Basommi, L.,Guan, Q.*, Cheng, D., and Singh S. 2016. Dynamics of land use change in a mining area: a case study of Nadowli District, Ghana.Journal of Mountain Science (SCI), 13(4): 633–642

    11.云硕,关庆锋*. 2015. 基于异构集群计算的地统计面插值并行算法.地球信息科学学报, 17(12): 1465-1473

    12.Basommi, L.,Guan, Q.*, and Cheng, D. 2015. Exploring Land use and Land cover change in the mining areas of Wa East District, Ghana using Satellite Imagery.Open Geosciences (SCI), 7(1):618–626 

    13.胡树坚,关庆锋*, 龚君芳, 刘洋, 范天恒, 云硕. 2015. pGTIOL:GeoTIFF数据并行I/O库.地球信息科学学报, 17(5): 575-582.

    14.张恩泽,关庆锋*, 张立立. 2015. 基于Hadoop的新浪微博热点话题提取与时空变化可视化.地理信息世界, 22(S0): 248-253

    15.Guan, Q., Shi, X., Huang, M., and Lai, C. 2015. A hybrid parallel Cellular Automata model for urban growth simulation over GPU/CPU heterogeneous architectures.International Journal of Geographical Information Science (SCI), 30(3): 494-514.

    16.Guo, M.,Guan, Q. *, Xie, Z., Wu, L., Luo, X., and Huang, Y. 2015. A spatially adaptive decomposition approach for parallel vector data visualization of polylines and polygons.International Journal of Geographical Information Science (SCI), 29(8): 1419-1440.

    17.Hu, C.,Guan, Q., Chen, N., Li, J., Zhong, X., and Han, Y. 2014. An Observation Capability Metadata Model for EO Sensor Discovery in Sensor Web Enablement Environments.Remote Sensing (SCI), 6(11): 10546-10570

    18.Guan, Q., Zeng, W., Gong, J., and Yun, S. 2014. pRPL 2.0: improving the parallel raster processing library.Transactions in GIS (SSCI), 18(S1): 25-52

    19.Hu, C., Li, J., Chen, N., andGuan, Q.2014. An Object Model for Integrating Diverse Remote Sensing Satellite Sensors: A Case Study of Union Operation.Remote Sensing (SCI), 6(1): 677-699

    20.胡楚丽, 陈能成,关庆锋, 李佳, 王晓蕾, 杨训亮. 2014. 面向智慧城市应急响应的异构传感器集成共享方法.计算机研究与发展 (EI), 51(2): 260-277

    21.Uden, D. R., Allen, C. R., Mitchell, R. B., McCoy, T. D., andGuan, Q.2014. Predicted avian responses to bioenergy development scenarios in an intensive agricultural landscape.Global Change Biology Bioenergy (SCI), 7(4): 717-726.

    22.Li, R., di Virgilio, N.,Guan, Q., Feng, S., and Richter, G. 2013. Reviewing Models of Land Availability and Dynamics for Biofuel Crops in the United States and European Union.Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining (SCI), 7(6): 666–684.

    23.Uden, D. R., Allen, C. R., Mitchell, R. B.,Guan, Q., and McCoy, T. D. 2013. Scenarios of bioenergy development impacts on regional groundwater withdrawals.Journal of Soil and Water Conservation (SCI), 68(5): 124A-128A.

    24.Uden, D. R., Mitchell, R. B., Allen, C. R.,Guan, Q.and McCoy, T. D. 2013. The Feasibility of Producing Adequate Feedstock for Year-Round Cellulosic Ethanol Production in an Intensive Agricultural Fuelshed.BioEnergy Research (SCI), 6(3): 1-9

    25.Ji, S., Zhang, T.,Guan, Q., and Li, J. 2013. Nonlinear intensity difference correlation for multi-temporal remote sensing images.International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation (SCI), 21: 436443

    26.Li, R.,Guan, Q.*, and Merchant, J. W. 2012. A geospatial modeling framework for assessing biofuels-related land-use and land-cover change.Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment (SCI), 161: 17-26

    27.Guan, Q., Kyriakidis, P. C., and Goochild, M. F. 2011. A parallel computing approach to fast geostatistical areal interpolation.International Journal of Geographical Information Science (SCI), 25(8): 1241-1267

    28.Guan, Q.and Clarke, K. C. 2010. A general-purpose parallel raster processing programming library test application using a geographic cellular automata model.International Journal of Geographical Information Science (SCI),24(5): 695-722

    29.Guan, Q.2009. pRPL: an open-source general-purpose parallel Raster Processing programming Library.SIGSPATIAL Special, 1(1): 57-62

    30.Guan, Q., Zhang, T., and Clarke, K. C. 2006. GeoComputation in the Grid Computing Age, in J.D. Carswell and T. Tezuka (Eds.): W2GIS 2006,Lecture Notes in Computer Science (EI), 4295: 237-246, Springer-Verlag: Berlin, Heidelberg.

    31.Adler, P. B., HilleRisLambers, J., Kyriakidis, P. C.,Guan, Q., and Levine, J. M. 2006. Climate variability has a stabilizing effect on coexistence of prairie grasses.Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (SCI), 103(34): 12793-12798

    32.Guan, Q., Wang, L., and Clarke, K. C. 2005. An Artificial-Neural-Network-based, Constrained CA Model for Simulating Urban Growth.Cartography and Geographic Information Science (SSCI), 32(4): 369-380

    33.Wang, L., Feng, R., Yang, Y., andGuan, Q. 2004. Spatial Disparity of Slope Farmland and Food Security in Three Gorges Area.Journal of Mountain Science (SCI), 1(1): 89-95

    34.王黎明,关庆锋, 冯仁国, 郑景云. 2003. 全球变化视角下人地系统研究面临的几个问题探讨.地理科学, 23(4): 391-397

    35.Wang, L.,Guan, Q., and Yang, Y. 2002. Environmental emigration stress of slope farmland in the Three Gorges area.Journal of Geographical Sciences, 12(4): 420-426

    36.王黎明, 杨燕风,关庆锋. 2001. 三峡库区退耕坡地环境移民压力研究.地理学报, 56(6): 649-656



    1.Guan Q., Hu S., Liu Y., Yun S. 2018. High-Performance GeoComputation with the Parallel Raster Processing Library.In: Thill JC., Dragicevic S. (eds) GeoComputational Analysis and Modeling of Regional Systems. Advances in Geographic Information Science. Springer, Cham

    2.Guan, Q.and Shi, X. 2014. Opportunities and Challenges for Urban Land-use and Land-cover Change Modeling in High-performance Computing.In: Shi, X. et al. (eds), Modern Accelerator Technologies for Geographic Information Science. Springer, New York



    人文与经济地理学 Human and Economic Geography

    中国地质大学(武汉), 信息工程学院

    城市网络模型与算法 Models and Algorithms for Urban Networks

    中国地质大学(武汉), 信息工程学院

    GEOG/NRES 412/812 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems(GIS导论)

    School of Natural Resources, University of Nebraska – Lincoln

    GEOG 422/822 Advanced Techniques in Geographic Information Systems(高级GIS)

    School of Natural Resources, University of Nebraska – Lincoln

    GEOG 432/832 GIS Programming for Advanced Spatial Analysis and Modeling(GIS编程)

    School of Natural Resources, University of Nebraska – Lincoln

    GEOG 922 Seminar in Geographic Information Systems(GIS研讨)

    School of Natural Resources, University of Nebraska – Lincoln

    GEOG 128 Analytical and Computer Cartography(分析与计算机制图学)

    Department of Geography, University of California, Santa Barbara

    GEOG 176A Introduction to Geographic Information Systems(GIS导论)

    Department of Geography, University of California, Santa Barbara